Thursday, September 19, 2013

On My New Ebook

Okay, there has been deaths in the family lately, so things have not gone as planned as far as blogging regularly goes. Please note that I am going to have to put the schedule for releasing my new ebook for a later date. Sorry for my readers..I just can't get it out as fast as I would like because of this. I'm sorry for the delay, I truly am, and will have my ebook on Amazon or another selling site by the end of next week. Promise! I've been doing some research on where to sell my books too lately and fixing it up. I didn't foresee anything that has happened. Bear with me. I use writing as a creative outlet, so the potential for new stories, books, and poems will be fast in coming. I have enough to where I can slow down after saving up money from my other job on Textbroker a little. If you need web articles or the like written, I also do those, just so you know. I'm a freelance writer. Thanks so much and let me know what you would like me to write about. I would certainly appreciate any comments, like I have been saying. :)  Have a great day!

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