Saturday, July 27, 2013

Indie Author News: THE OTHER 4 TIPS FOR AUTHORS: Tips many may practi...

Indie Author News: THE OTHER 4 TIPS FOR AUTHORS: Tips many may practi...: By Jeanine Henning The internet is overflowing with marketing and sales tips for independent authors. Some of it is daunting when you r...

I recommend that any author read this is so true..working at a desk all day makes a huge difference...and that isn't a good thing, just staying on it all have to have some other plans sometimes...:) I would know, I am a ghostwriter and have a published poem. My friend Lola Cepp is currently working on a novel that is about is a thriller and a romance story...more details later on that, but suffice it to say that I have experienced these things before.

Copyright 2013 Kelsey Harris

Saturday, July 20, 2013

People...And My Public Persona

So..this is my first post on this blog. I am going to attempt the feat of trying to explain the way that I view people and the world in general in this post. Of course, this is not going to be a particular topic that will interest all of my readers. I know that. You may well be thinking, "No one gives a crap." But, with all due respect, my retort to you is that not everyone knows who you are right away, and I feel that this post will be a good general introduction for my blog. So, with that said, I would like to give some basic information about myself and introduce myself. My name is Kelsey, and I live in Indiana. I have all my life. I have been to every type of school, from public to private, and have been to homeschool. All of these school settings were different, and had their positive and negative sides, just as you would expect. It's hard to explain since the experience of every single person in each setting will vary based on personality and experience, but I know for me what the good and bad parts about each were. Make no mistake about that. Although school is basically all over for me, unless I decide to go back and save up and go again, really, it was my first experiences with other people besides the members of my family, and that is something that is applicable.  When my parents were not working, they took good care of me. I remember working on the Sesame Street magazine for kid's subscriptions that my mother would buy in order to help teach me.
 I was an only child, and the firstborn for three years.  Even as a preschooler, I was more of a kid who liked to keep to herself, not preferring to be constantly with others. I am still this way to this very day. I would be lying if I told you that my parents and my family, with my two younger adopted siblings, and my little sister, did not influence me or the way that I see things. The fact of the matter is, they do. My immediate family has influenced me the most, but other members of my family have also influenced the way that I look at the world and think about things in general, including people and my relationships. I see relationships as a two-way street--if one person is going to make all the effort, then the relationship is not one that is working out at all. Communication is key.  Doesn't have to be explained long and drawn out, but you should at least try to clarify needed miscommunications as needed.   My family has been there for me through thick and thin, and that has made all the difference, although they may not agree with me all the time or I with them on certain topics. My life has taught me this very easily...and there are some people who will just not ever have that skill. It drives me up the wall, since these people should know better.I don't expect anyone to be perfect. I do expect the person to give someone a chance. I try not to judge others sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. I end up failing like everyone else does sometimes, but when I do, I admit my mistake and move on. I try to learn from what happened and make my future experiences more positive ones with others. I am not one to step on anyone's toes. If I do hurt someone, it is always by accident. 
People are so uptight it's crazy, I never want to become as uptight as some  of the people that I have met in seen in my lifetime. And I'm only 22, but I know that for a fact. And they call me crazy...............
Well, I think I have to go now. I shall update this blog even more on a regular basis. My blog will be about random things and enjoy...everyone shall find something that they are interested in discussed on my blog on here.  

Peace out!


Copyright 2013 Kelsey Harris