Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review of Chills: A Short Story Collection by Sahar Sabati and my new poetry book, Mind, Media, and Other Things

So, I got a lot to talk about. I have gotten a new poetry book out that I am extremely proud of called "Mind Media and Other Things". Parental guidance is advised for this poetry  book, but it does open up a lot of taboo subjects and gets a conversation going about them. This is what my ultimate goal is. Check it out!

As of late, I have also reviewed the book "Chills: A Short Story Collection", by: Sahar Sabati. The short stories were well-written and sent the chills that I expected right down my spine. I didn't know if the stories were going to really scare me at first, but as I read more, I realized that they were certainly going to. It takes talent to write a good short story that is really scary, but Sahar Sabati accomplished just that. Props to her! :)

I will have new chapters of Cassie on here really soon, so hang tight. Don't be afraid to subscribe either! :)

Write on!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Alright, so I know I have not blogged as much as I could have right after  Halloween. Totally my bad, guys--I had a lot going on. I still will, what with it being the holidays and all. I'm not complaining, though--I love the holiday season. It's hectic, but I love it. Especially since I was born December 21st....which is close to Christmas. Some people, I know, have birthdays on or close to Christmas and don't enjoy the holiday season. I was one of the lucky kids that this never happened to. My parents could have just put all of my birthday and Christmas gifts together, but that never ended up happening. That did make my holidays a lot better, and that is still the case. I have my parents to thank for that! But I digress.

Lately I have been having trouble with my Kindle, and that has affected my writing research a lot. I have not actually sat down to write more of Carrie for awhile. I am going to do so today though and do some marketing work for my other books. I almost have another poetry book for you all to enjoy as well, but I am not sure on what the title should be, or the cover either. The order that I want the poems in is another thing as well. I am working on them, though. I'll be putting up some more preview chapters for you to enjoy from my novel as I write it too, so hang tight! I hope you all had a great Halloween, and things are not too hectic during this holiday season for you!

Write on!

Kelsey Harris